Berthoud Brewery Live Music

As I was doing research for my "Performance Ops in NoCo" sheet, I came upon Berthoud Brewery (450 8th Street, Berthoud, 970.532.9850) as a possible open mic spot. Well, after speaking with Jesse, I found that the open mic is no more for now (bummer), but they do have some good, varied live music (pop/blues, country, americana, rock, acoustic, alternative) every Friday & Saturday (6-9) and some Wednesdays (6-8). I visited the venue last Sunday and, although I'm not a beer drinker, had a really good glass of Scottish brew! It's a cozy, neat venue, and worth the visit. They even brought out a water bowl for Stella! Let me know if you're interested and maybe we can drive down together from FoCo!!the_brewery/c1pwt