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What to Expect

Lesson #1

  • Get Acquainted:  I'll review your Student Registration sheet (click here to download) and we'll talk a bit about your musical background, and vocal goals both big and small

  • Vocal Assessment:  We'll do a little warm-up, then I'll check your posture, breathing, range, pitch accuracy, then sing through a simple song.  You may also sing a song you know that you'd like to perform.

  • Game Plan and Song Selection:  I'll lay out a general plan of action and we'll choose either a single song to work with, or a song collection for you to purchase.  These song collections  are usually $17-35, include 10-25 songs, and include either online or CD accompaniment.

 Lesson #2, etc.  (based on a 25 min lesson)

  • 8 min:  Physical and vocal warmups; review of music reading fundamentals, if appropriate.

  • 15 min:  Work on your current song.  This may include note learning, diction, technique, character development, gestures, and staging.

  • 2 min:  Wrap up, including cool down and next assignment review

Performance Opportunities

  • SipNSing (in person Aug, Oct, Mar):  Informal; songs are in various stages of readiness; primarily students, families, friends.  

  • Spring Sing Recital (late May/early June):  Formal; music memorized & staged; students, family, friends, general public.  

  • Sounds of the Season Soiree (Dec):  Formal; Christmas and holiday-themed songs; music memorized & staged; students, family, friends, general public.

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