'Tis the Season for Sneezin' - Be Prepared!

According to WebMD, there are 3 "little weapons" to help you prepare to do battle with cold & flu in the months ahead: 1) hand sanitizer; 2) garlic; and 3) a thermos. 1) Hand sanitizer is 2nd to frequent hand washing, but easier! So keep a bottle handy for hands, keys, cell phone, etc. 2) Garlic (fresh-chopped, extract, or freeze-dried) contains anti-microbial and anti-viral properties; and 3) LOTS OF fluids are essential, including herbal teas, warm lemon water, broths & chicken soup (with added garlic!), and good ol' H2O.

Some of my personal prevention favorites available for sale in the Studio:

  • Activate-C Immune Complex (Echinacea, Vitamin C and E, Zinc, Astragalus & Aronia Extract)

  • CounterAct Honey Lemon Cough Drops with Vitamin C and T40-C3 Melaleuca Oil

  • Neilmed Sinus Rinse

So, make sure to get good rest, along with following these tips so you can enjoy this wonderful holiday season and the new year to come.
